

Textile Dyeing & Finishing Emission

During the production of dyeing and finishing in textile industry, lots of waste gas is generated every day and causes a fearful air pollution problem. Now many countries introduce policies to control air pollution and textile industries should install filtration systems for their stenter lines. Exhaust gas should be filtered before emission. How to solve it?
Boton Air is a leading manufacturer of electrostatic precipitators that are specialized in textile stenter dyeing and finishing emission problem. Here is a video to show how it works.
For further more information, please kindly contact us.

Sherry Yang

Foshan Boton Air Technology Co., Ltd.
E-mail: sherry@botonair.com


How to solve the exhaust mission problem from BBQ?

BBQ food is popular by the public around the world. There are many barbecue restaurants to serve different types of BBQ food.

However, due to food is roasted above the charcoal,a lot of thickly smoke is generated. It is not friendly to the environment if discharges the exhaust directly. Every barbecue restaurant owner should solve the exhaust pollution problem or it harms the air quality and easy to receive complaints from neighbors.

Here is a project for a BBQ restaurant. You can see there are lots of smoke during cooking. The owner asked for a high requirement on the smoke removal efficiency. We propose a triple pass of ESP air purifiers. Finally, the performance is very good that we achieve visually smoke-free on the emission outlet.

If you have any interest, please feel free to contact us.

Sherry Yang

Foshan Boton Air Technology Co.,Ltd.
E-mail: sherry@botonair.com